Termite Management with Mulches of Plant Materials in Hot Pepper in the Bako Area of Western Ethiopia

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Ahmed Ibrahim
Tadesse Birhanu
Teshome Bogale
Abraham Tadesse


The effects of maize stover, grass, haricot bean residue and tef straw each at the rate of 5 kg/ plot as mulches were evaluated for the control o f termites in hot pepper at the Bako Agricultural Research Center in 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 cropping seasons. Diazinon 60% EC at 21t/ha and an untreated check were included for comparison. The plot size was 4.2 m x 4.2 m. The experiment was
laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments that showed promising effects were further evaluated on large plots (9.3 m x 9.1 m) in the 2005/2006 cropping season on farmers fields at Bako, Ijaji and BakoTibe. Results indicated significant differences among the treatments for all of the parameters considered. The percentage of damaged plants were
significantly (p<0.05) lower on maize stover, grass and haricot bean residue mulches than that of the other treatments. The percent termite damage of hot pepper plants were 8.8, 12.4, 11.2 and 12.6 for the maize stover, haricot bean residue, grass mulches and insecticide treated plot, respectively. The damage in the untreated check was 21.1%. The percentage of damaged plants in the large
plots ranged from 15.9-21.8 for the maize stover, haricot bean residue, grass mulches and diazinon, while damage in the untreated check was 53.6% at Ijaji. Similarly, the amount of plants at Bako Tibe ranged from 11.9-17.4 for the maize stover, haricot bean residue, grass mulches and diazinon, while that of the untreated check was 39.5%. The results elucidated that maize stover, haricot bean
residue and grass mulches had comparable effects with that of diazinon 60% EC in controlling termites on hot pepper. These mulches can be recommended for use as part of the integrated management of termites on hot pepper.


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How to Cite
Ahmed Ibrahim, Tadesse Birhanu, Teshome Bogale, & Abraham Tadesse. (2023). Termite Management with Mulches of Plant Materials in Hot Pepper in the Bako Area of Western Ethiopia. Pest Managment Journal of Ethiopia, 13, 33–37. https://doi.org/10.20372/pmjoe.v13i.221
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