The Importance and Management of Termites in Ethiopia: A Review

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Abdurahman Abdulahi
Abraham Tadesse
M ohammed Dawd


Termites arc major pests in the semi-arid anti subhumid tropics (Harris 1971. Wood and Johnson 1986, Wood 1991). Since Ethiopia lies in the tropics termites pose a serious threat to agricultural crops, forestry seedlings, rangelands and wooden structures. Termite problem is particularly serious in the western parts o f the country. Damage caused by termites to agricultural crops and wooden material have been long recognized in Ethiopia. The first report o f termite damage was from Kiltu Kara (near Ghimbi) in 1938 (Abdurahman and Adugna 1986). Later more consistent and serious reports o f termite damage to crops, forestry trees and rangelands came in early 1970s (Sanna 1973, Sands 1976, Wood 1986a). Effective management o f termites is o f paramount importance to ensure food security in the country ami to improve av ailability o f raw material for local industry and export markets.


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How to Cite
Abdurahman Abdulahi, Abraham Tadesse, & M ohammed Dawd. (2023). The Importance and Management of Termites in Ethiopia: A Review. Pest Managment Journal of Ethiopia, 14, 1–20.
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